Thursday, August 13, 2009

Response to Pressing issues in a Democratic Society

Look I can completely understand where you are coming from. Most people are either not informed nearly enough to choose aside, do not wish to participate, or find it difficult to nail down ideologies that are perfectly aligned with a particular party. The best example I can give is that of myself. In general I side with many aspects of the republican party I support the death penalty and the right to bear arms and I am most certainly economically conservative. However I find my self divided then when it comes to my view on abortion which I am for and gay marriage which doesn't really affect me so truly I could care less what happens. Its funny because if someone asks me who I vote for or what my political alignment is I will always respond I am conservative but yet I have these two huge contradictions to the conservative view.

Monday, August 10, 2009

What to do about the death penalty

Well I just don't have a clue. Yesterday at work a buddy of mine and I, carried on a long discussion about our views and ideals of how we stand on the Death penalty. This was more or less brought on by a couple of articles we read about the Manson 'family' you know that group of people that got together and killed like 7 people thirty some years ago. We both agreed that he should be killed not only because of what he did but how much he is still costing tax payers. Now I don't know exactly how much it cost to keep these people locked up indefinitely but I am willing to venture well over 100,000 a year. Where as the alternative lethal injection is only about 75 dollars. Our main contradiction came when we began discussing the possibility of an innocent person sent to jail the rebuttal to that is their are to many steps in place that prevent it. But truly is quite impossible you would never kill an innocent person just as it is quite impossible you never imprison an innocent person. In the end it proved to be a difficult answer for a question that I had solved so many times with an easy answer, but in the end on principle I will continue to generally agree with the death penalty.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

In response to the Fonz says U.S Ehhh blog about immigration

Blogger fenixx said...

The world is a very funny place with most people believing they will only be happy once they have something they don't have already. Which is why for the past 350 years or so people have immigrated to a new land one that offers all of us opportunities which otherwise we would have been deprived of. Considering the vital function that all immigrants serve your essential argument of why can't people just accept them I find correct. Many of these people come here looking for ways to support their family which is a valiant goal. In fact current laws make it so immigrants contribute more to society than they receive. Who ever said illegal immigrants are stealing our jobs is an idiot. Last time I checked their was not a line of people who were dying to be bus boys at the local Luby's or the housekeeping lady at a Motel 6. If you want to look at something stealing US jobs blame outsourcing. Back to the point about immigrant contribution many of these illegal immigrants have false documentation saying they can work essentially giving them legitimate jobs and having to pay taxes but they cannot benefit from social security or medicare if you are not a citizen so in that respect they ease the beasts bulging financial belly. So I argue let them stay teach em English and watch them prosper with the rest of us.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fist Arugument

In the article, The GOP Needs to find itself again, found here, written by Douglas MacKinnon, he explains one of the biggest issues facing the GOP which is lack of morals among many of the republican leaders when it comes to honesty with their wives. He explains how disgusted he is at the increasing number of men in power who are cheating on their wives.

Now truly this is a problem and yes I do understand how this can bother many people but I have come to the conclusion that at least I feel this is none of my business. Yes these men are indeed public figures but the way I see it, politicians (minus the president) are essentially at work and when they leave the office they are on their own time and can do what they will and no matter how disgusting it maybe. This in my eyes is a family problem that needs to be dealt with.

One of the other things he makes a point at is that many say it is not just republicans but democrats too and he puts that idea aside citing, “that won’t play with the American people.” As true as that maybe I distinctively remember the last democratic president committing adultery in the most sacred political office in the world. For many people this was a long time ago and behind them but none the less it happened and stunned a country and yes it was a democrat. So my essential rebuttal is that not all republicans are bad and not all democrats are good.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hello Everyone,

In this edition of Stark's Govt Blog I will discussing the recent events that have unfolded in regards to the US Government refusing aid to CIT and nationwide lender to thousands of small and mid cap businesses. The article from Time explains how a failure at CIT will be the equivalent to main street as Lehman's failure was to Wall Street. The article further explains how the government found CIT eligible for aid just a short while ago but has decided times have changed and a bankruptcy for CIT would not lead to a lending melt down as it previously might have. This article is of great importance to read and understand because it emphasizes the governments new found position of an economic recovery because if the FED is saying that the US economy can take a bankruptcy at one of the US's largest business lenders it is assuming the economy has significanly recovered from its Novemeber and March lows.

Monday, July 13, 2009

First Post

It doesn't look like a blog with out at least one post so although this is part of the criteria I am add one post.