Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hello Everyone,

In this edition of Stark's Govt Blog I will discussing the recent events that have unfolded in regards to the US Government refusing aid to CIT and nationwide lender to thousands of small and mid cap businesses. The article from Time explains how a failure at CIT will be the equivalent to main street as Lehman's failure was to Wall Street. The article further explains how the government found CIT eligible for aid just a short while ago but has decided times have changed and a bankruptcy for CIT would not lead to a lending melt down as it previously might have. This article is of great importance to read and understand because it emphasizes the governments new found position of an economic recovery because if the FED is saying that the US economy can take a bankruptcy at one of the US's largest business lenders it is assuming the economy has significanly recovered from its Novemeber and March lows.

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