Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fist Arugument

In the article, The GOP Needs to find itself again, found here, written by Douglas MacKinnon, he explains one of the biggest issues facing the GOP which is lack of morals among many of the republican leaders when it comes to honesty with their wives. He explains how disgusted he is at the increasing number of men in power who are cheating on their wives.

Now truly this is a problem and yes I do understand how this can bother many people but I have come to the conclusion that at least I feel this is none of my business. Yes these men are indeed public figures but the way I see it, politicians (minus the president) are essentially at work and when they leave the office they are on their own time and can do what they will and no matter how disgusting it maybe. This in my eyes is a family problem that needs to be dealt with.

One of the other things he makes a point at is that many say it is not just republicans but democrats too and he puts that idea aside citing, “that won’t play with the American people.” As true as that maybe I distinctively remember the last democratic president committing adultery in the most sacred political office in the world. For many people this was a long time ago and behind them but none the less it happened and stunned a country and yes it was a democrat. So my essential rebuttal is that not all republicans are bad and not all democrats are good.

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