Tuesday, August 4, 2009

In response to the Fonz says U.S Ehhh blog about immigration

Blogger fenixx said...

The world is a very funny place with most people believing they will only be happy once they have something they don't have already. Which is why for the past 350 years or so people have immigrated to a new land one that offers all of us opportunities which otherwise we would have been deprived of. Considering the vital function that all immigrants serve your essential argument of why can't people just accept them I find correct. Many of these people come here looking for ways to support their family which is a valiant goal. In fact current laws make it so immigrants contribute more to society than they receive. Who ever said illegal immigrants are stealing our jobs is an idiot. Last time I checked their was not a line of people who were dying to be bus boys at the local Luby's or the housekeeping lady at a Motel 6. If you want to look at something stealing US jobs blame outsourcing. Back to the point about immigrant contribution many of these illegal immigrants have false documentation saying they can work essentially giving them legitimate jobs and having to pay taxes but they cannot benefit from social security or medicare if you are not a citizen so in that respect they ease the beasts bulging financial belly. So I argue let them stay teach em English and watch them prosper with the rest of us.

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